
Horny nurse wants to have sex with me

I’ve actually ended up in the hospital a few days ago, nothing too serious, just some bruises and scratches. I’m actually kind of glad that I did, because that series of tragic events has led me to meet with this fine woman that works as a nurse in the local hospital. We were chit chatting the entire time as she treated my issues and we exchanged numbers as well. She is nice bunch older than me and it didn’t take her long to whine about her husband, marriage and all the boring stuff in her life. That is when I switched the story to a big more sexual one, over the phone of course.

Hot nurse sent me sexy selfie photos

I was all like “we should hook up and do something interesting” and “you are definitely cool like you’re younger than me” and she bought all of it. I even told her I got a secret crush on nurses in uniforms and the next day at work, she was more than happy to show me the goods, straight from the hospital, during work hours. Needless to say, I loved what I saw and that is one hot nurse that I’ll be banging very soon. In a way, I’ll help her heal her own wounds. Gonna stuff her holes and see if that does the trick. Check out the photos that she sent me, you’ll love it.

Want to see her boobs and nipple without a bra?

Click to Flip

Now that you've saw her ass, are you ready for her pussy?

Click to Flip

It’s insane how nice and firm her ass is, and I bet she wore those lace panties because deep down inside, she knew she’ll be snapping some photos for my eyes only. I admire her courage to do it in the hospital but she obviously knows how to hide her naughty activities very well. I’m going to fuck her brains out. She seems like she’d enjoy a dick up the ass too, probably on our second date or something. I just hope she knows how to hide affairs from her husband. Not my problem though.

No need for fake stuff anymore

Before this nurse milf, I even wanted to buy a costume of some sort, like these here, to some fuck friend or so, in order to finally fuck a nurse. I guess there is no need for costumed anymore because I’ll soon be dipping my prick inside a real living and breathing nurse, potentially I’ll even do it while she is still wearing her uniform. I’ll specially like the fact she’ll be stroking my dick with that very same hand on which she still got a wedding ring. It kind of turns me on to know I’m turning some unknown guy into a full blown cuck.


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