
Drunk Girl Archive

Showing drunk girl’s nipple to everyone

This hottie is a friend’s friend and we were all drinking together this night. She kind of considers me a bit crazy but I’m pretty sure she got some hidden crush on me as well. I saw she is in a good mood, slightly drunk, and she was talking all the freaking time, like without

Getting a drunk girl naked in my bed

We were about to have sex, at least that was the original plan while we were dancing and drinking in the club. Time was flying, she was rubbing her ass against my crotch in the middle of the club, and she was also getting more and more drunk in the process. Deep down inside, I

Drunk girls kiss during the concert

If I had to pick a thing I especially like, it would be drunk teen girls in concerts. Drunk from booze, horny from boys and frisky by nature, they all love to be the center of attention and they will go to extreme lengths to make that happen. These two that I photographed were all